Monday, January 17, 2011

Some Final Reminders of MLK

I thought I would share a couple of videos for reflection upon this MLK Day.  The first one is from the Adult Swim show, The Boondocks.  This episode, toying with revisionist history, pretends that MLK was never assassinated, but rather, goes into a coma until the year 2000.  He wakes up to find a very different world.  I will admit that it is a commentary on the modern African-American community (of which I have no authority to speak upon), and it does use the N-Word several times.  Having said that, it is perhaps the smartest, funniest piece of social satire I have ever watched, and well worth 22 minutes of your time to watch.

The second video (found at this link) is a re-airing of this morning's Democracy Now.  The entire episode plays two of Martin Luther King's famous speeches (neither of which are the "I Have A Dream" Speech").  Both Speeches deal with King's stance on controversial issues (at the time).  None the less, they show King's dedication to social justice and standing up for what is right.

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