Tuesday, January 3, 2012

First Day Back/Highlight of the Day

Today was the first day back at work after winter break.  I was greatly concerned, and quite convinced, that the autistic student I have been working with would have a really bad day transitioning with his behavior after two weeks away from school.  I would have considered today a success if we made it without him getting physical with staff, as opposed cussing me out, which is what he normally does.  Instead, he surprised me by having an absolutely fantastic day.  He went to all his classes, he completed all of his assignments, and he never so much as said a single bad word or inappropriate comment.  When he is having a good day like that, he is as pleasant a student any teacher could ask for.  I know that at some point, he will start acting out again, and have to leave the classroom.  I just hope that when it does, it is not on a regular basis like it was last semester.  Let's hope we can build upon the progress made from last semester.

On a separate note, I would like to share a funny story from today.  I was helping out in a Social Studies class, and they were talking about the Iowa Caucus.  One of the other paras in the room was talking about remembering when the state of Iowa decided to change their caucus to January so they could be one of the earliest states in the country to help decide the nominations.  A student in the classroom with Asperger's raised his hand and gave the following comment "So, what you are telling me is that Iowa is a very self-obsessed state."

I was apparently the only other person in the room who thought it was funny, because I was the only one to laugh.

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