Saturday, September 24, 2011

Highlight of the Day: 9/23/2011

OK, so this is a day late.  Sorry, I couldn't help that.

Yesterday was a workday for staff, and teachers had meetings and parent-teacher conferences.  We did have a staff meeting in between, and the staff got to talking about classroom safety issues.  My supervising teacher volunteered to work on a committee to come up with new ideas for classroom safety.  Because the last school I worked at was so safety intensive, I though I might be able to help out, so I quietly volunteered my name to her.  She then volunteered my name to the committee in front of the whole program staff (including the program director).  So in less than a month at my para job, I have become part of my first school committee.  It feels pretty good to be helping out, it makes me look good to my superiors, and I get to put that down on my resume. 

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