Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Highlight of the Day: 9/7/2011

Today was my first day at my new paraprofessional job . . . sort of.  Most of the day was spent in orientation meetings.  Learning about benefits, professional development, going through paperwork, watching training videos, etc.

The last hour of the day, I got to meet the teacher I will be working with most of the time, and another para that will be in the same classroom as me.  I also got to see the classroom I will be spending most of my day in, and learn a little bit about the students I will work with.  I don't get to work with any of them until tomorrow, but let's just say I will be coming home with lots of interesting stories.  I didn't think that would be possible compared to my last job, but this just might have me beat. 

For instance, she let me look at a student's behavior notes for the day.  Several times I saw in the notes where he called the teacher "bitch" and said "fuck you", and had to be escorted to the cool down room (and this was considered a good day for him).  I am also told I am going to be the brunt of a lot of profanity and verbal abuse from students, and there is very little I can do to help the situation.  These are students who have been taken out of their regular classrooms so they can work on behavior modifications. 

Right now, I should be sweating bullets and freaking out, but I am actually excited.  Perhaps that will change, but right now, I'm ready to go.

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